2013年4月29日 星期一

2013 Apple - iPhone 的市占率理所當然將超越 Android Phone?

這個道理同樣可以用在手機產業 - 根據 MacRumors 的報導,一項由 Yankee Group 所進行的研究報告指出:16,000 智慧型手機的使用者中,有 91% 的 iPhone 有意願購買另一隻 iPhone 最為手機升級時的選擇,反觀 Android 使用者則為 76%。從這裡應該多多少少可以反映出在使用者體驗(UX)上,Apple 在產品的設計上仍然佔優勢。當然這也很多少反映出 Android 在開源的基礎下,即使 Google 對系統設了諸多原則及限制,還是難以維持 Android 產品的一致性,各家手機供應商的設計功力仍良莠不齊。如果這份研究夠精確,在 2015 年,iPhone 的市占率理所當然的將超越 Android Phone。

來源: MacRumors
Think of the Apple and Android ecosystems as two buckets of water. New smartphone buyers — mostly upgrading feature phone owners — fall like rain into the two big buckets about equally, with a smaller number falling into Windows Phone and BlackBerry buckets. However, the Android bucket leaks badly, losing about one in five of all the owners put into it. The Apple bucket leaks only about 7 percent of its contents, so it retains more of the customers that fall into it. The Apple bucket will fill up faster and higher than the Android one, regardless of the fact that the Apple bucket may have had fewer owners in it to begin with.

