2013年2月17日 星期日

2013 Article - The One Interview Question You Should Ask



這個問題保證能為你發掘出最具有組織,具分析能力, 且有效率的候選者。

"我想要你為我解釋某一件事情。挑選任何你想要的主題:一個你的嗜好,你讀過的一本書,一個你曾經參與過的專案 -- 任何一件事。你將會有五分鐘去描述它。在起初的五分鐘你不應假設我已經知道任何事,並且在最後我應該能了解關於這個主題,甚麼是重點。在五分鐘之中,我可能會問你幾個問題,同樣的你也可以問我問題。請花些時間思考你想要進行的主題,然後讓我知道你已經準備好要開始。"

-Kevin Morrill,Referly 技術長暨共同創辦者,Referly - 位於舊金山的創新公司,他已經使用這個問題超過200次以上。

"令人吃驚的是,有許多的面試者並不會在面試前對於這樣的面試問題進行準備"Morrill 在 Rererly blog 上說到。"最不可思議的是它(問題)準確的模擬了混亂且非目標導向的工作情況。我曾經有幾次被我的主管否定在他們下用人決定的時候,因為這個問題在過去是個非常先進的面試問題,但相對的的,幾個能夠透過思考並且能提出清楚重點的人,他們幾乎是我曾一起工作的人當中最棒的夥伴"。


"在他們開始闡述答案的時候,我儘可能確保自己表情是茫然的," Morrill 寫到"我不會給出[嗯哼]或者[我知道]這類的感嘆詞在溝通的時候.。一個傑出的候選者會挑選適當的時間並且詢問我,至目前為止,我是否明白他的闡述。


Morrill 提醒 "十個面試者中, 大概只有一個或兩個可以很好的作答" 但這些數字應該會被改善。 在有限時間的壓力下:Referly 填補了工程及市場行銷的職位空缺。我們在猜,接下來的面試者將會對這樣的面試方法做出更多的準備。

reveal: 揭開.

hobby: 嗜好.

premeditate: 預謀; 準備.

diving: 潛入.

amongst: 其中包括.

vacant: 茫然.
interjections: 驚嘆詞.
underlie: 基礎.
backgammon: 西洋雙陸棋.
predicts: 預測
overruled: 駁回

The One Interview Question You Should Ask

This question is guaranteed to reveal the most organized, analytical, and efficient candidates.

"I want you to explain something to me. Pick any topic you want: a hobby you have, a book you’ve read, a project you worked on--anything. You’ll have just five minutes to explain it. At the beginning of the five minutes you shouldn't assume anything about what I know, and at the end I should understand whatever is most important about this topic. During the five minutes, I might ask you some questions, and you can ask me questions. Take as much time as you want to think it through, and let me know when you want to start."

-- Kevin Morrill, CTO and co-founder of Referly, a San Francisco-based start-up. He has used this question more than 200 times.

"It is amazing how many candidates will not premeditate before diving into this interview question," adds Morrill on the Referly blog. "What's most incredible about this is how accurately it predicts disorganized and non-goal directed behavior on the job. I’ve been overruled a few times by my manager on a hiring decision, and this question was a harbinger of things to come. Conversely, the people who think it through and have a few crystal clear points are amongst the best people I’ve worked with."

Before using the question, consider these pointers:

"As they start explaining, I make sure to have the most vacant look on my face possible," writes Morrill. "I do not give any ‘uh huh’ or ‘I see’ kind of interjections that underlie most conversations. A star candidate will pick up on this and ask if I understand so far.

"Explaining by analogy is a shortcut some of the best candidates use. One example I heard while someone was teaching me the basics of poker was to take advantage of the fact I had played backgammon even though I hadn’t played poker. He talked about how in backgammon all the pieces on the board are exposed information that both players can see, but in poker you have hidden information. These types of explanations go a long way towards quickly communicating an idea with all kinds of implications very succinctly.”

Morrill notes that "only one or two out of every 10 candidates will do well on all these points." But those numbers should improve: At press time, Referly was hiring for engineering and marketing positions. We’re guessing the new candidates will be a little more prepared.

